If you suffer from allergies, it can be hard to find relief - especially when allergens are hiding in your apartment!
To help reduce your symptoms this season, Ayre & Oxford has uncovered five places allergens can hide in your apartment.
Your Bed
Allergens can hide on your bedding, the mattress, and under the bed. We all wash our sheets regularly, but do you also wash your hair before getting into bed? Washing or rinsing your hair will remove any pollen stuck to your hair products. Also, reduce your exposure to dust mites by washing your bedding in hot water once a week and cleaning your mattress once a month. Don't forget to vacuum under the bed and wipe down the walls and floorboards behind the bed too!
Your Blinds
Pollen and dust particles enter through open windows but can get trapped by blinds and curtains. When you suffer from allergies, this can increase your symptoms. Choose window coverings that are easy to wash and clean them regularly with hot soapy water or toss them in the washing machine.
Your Clothing
When you are outside, dust and pollen will stick to your clothing. Those particles transfer to your furniture, bed, and carpets. To prevent this, invest in a lint roller to trap and collect those particles after being outside and launder those clothes before wearing again.
Your Fans
Dust and debris collect on the blades and grates of fans. Your fan will collect everything from pollen to dust mites and blow those allergens throughout the room. To reduce your exposure, don't place a fan by a window during high pollen times and clean the filter on your window A/C unit. Unplug and clean fan blades and grates with hot soapy water whenever you see buildup.
Cleaning Tools
We all know vacuuming and dusting is the best way to keep allergens out of your apartment, but what we don't realize is we are spreading those particles throughout the apartment when we clean. It's important to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter and clean it regularly. Dusting after you vacuum using a damp microfiber cloth will collect any standing particles and keep them out of the air. Always clean all your tools after use, or on a regular basis.