With the beautiful June weather upon us, it can be hard for anyone to stay focused indoors. Children are faced with the especially difficult task of continuing to learn at home while schools are closed.
As the end of the school year quickly approaches, it's important to keep kids learning. June has always been a difficult month for learning, but this year the added distraction of learning at home makes it even harder. It's important to remember that the things kids are learning now will help prepare them for the next grade.
We have a few ideas that could help keep your kids focused on learning while also having fun!
A regular routine is a simple idea that really works. Have your children start and stop their schoolwork at the same times every day. Create a school schedule for your children to follow with learning blocks broken up by two 20 minute nutrition/outdoor breaks.
It can be difficult to get children to go to sleep on time, especially when the sun is still shining. But it's important to keep your usual bedtime routine even though they don't physically have to go to school. Late nights can lead to a lack of focus and irritability, making it more difficult for them to learn, and more difficult for you to teach them.
Doing all of their schoolwork on a computer or tablet can be draining and dull. Switch it up by providing some lessons on paper or using board games like Monopoly, Yahtzee, Bananagrams, or Scrabble. Speak with your child's teacher about other learning activities your child can complete.
Don't be afraid to take their learning outside when the weather gets too distracting. Sit in a shady spot or on your balcony with your child while they work. These fun outdoor learning activities involve experiments, art, and science activities that can help refocus children and help them enjoy the subjects they're learning about.
This is a challenging time for parents and kids alike. Remember to have patience, be honest, and make time for fun.